
The smarter way of eating at work

Food courts at work are very common today when not only high-tech companies boast about them, yet it seems that alongside technological advancement in all areas of life – the experience of eating at work has been left behind.

Onsite food court

Employees are sensitive to the issue of food at work – especially when the employer gives them a complete solution in the form of a dining room at work. Many companies invest great efforts managing the dining room but find themselves encountering the same problems over and over again, without the ability to improve their situation.

Time waste

Food waste

Lack of food variety

Our Features

Optimization of the management of the food system by a smart system that allows ordering a meal in advance for a specified hour without the need for vouchers or an employee card and at the same time managing the kitchen and meals by the catering contractor.

Why choose WorkEat?

Today, most kitchens are run through gut feelings in managing their inventory, since the most critical figure for them is a daily “surprise” – the desire of the diners. By using the WorkEat system, your diners can pre-order their meal and you enjoy the ability to plan and operate a meal efficiently. Using WorkEat have some additional benefits:

Dramatic satisfaction improvement


Reducing friction

Seamless Integrations

Advance kitchen management

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